Scelta del Contraente:
Procedura Negoziata con almeno 5 inviti (previa indagine di mercato)
Struttura Appaltante: LOS ANGELES
Cig: B407B5058A
Stato: Aperta
Descrizione: Allestimento
Importo di gara: € 220.000,00
di cui:
- Importo soggetto a ribasso: € 220.000,00
- Importo non soggetto a ribasso: € 0,00
Scelta del Contraente: Procedura Negoziata con almeno 5 inviti (previa indagine di mercato)
Tipo di appalto: Forniture
Criterio di aggiudicazione: Prezzo Più Basso
Modalità di partecipazione: Telematica
Data di pubblicazione avviso manifestazione di interesse: 29/10/2024
Data di scadenza invio partecipazione:
12/11/2024 12:00 - Europe/Rome
Data scadenza presentazione chiarimenti:
30/11/2024 21:00 - Europe/Rome
Data di scadenza ricezione offerte:
03/12/2024 21:00 - Europe/Rome
Caricamento busta amministrativa ed economica
dalla data di pubblicazione della gara
03/12/2024 21:00 - Europe/Rome
Data prima seduta pubblica amministrativa
03/12/2024 23:00 - Europe/Rome
Riepilogo documentazione
Determina a contrarre - CES 2025 - DAC n. 4596_24 Allestimento.pdf
Determina di nomina R.U.P. - CES 2025 - DAC n. 4596_24 Allestimento.pdf
Manuale operativo - MO - Manifestazione di interesse.pdf
Avviso indagine di mercato - CES 2025 - Expression of interest.pdf
Documento generico di gara - CES 2025- Uploading Expression of interest.pdf
DGUE - Annex 5 - CES 2025 - Requiements for procurement procedures under the European Union Threshold.docx.pdf
Pt. 0130159/24
The bid does not require to upload the "Technical Folder", but the offer must be fully compliant with the specifications and requests provided in the Annex 1 Technical description, Annex 2 Special conditions and Annex 3 project.
Pictures, catalogues, etc." mentioned in the "Technical Description" are required to be included in the bid documentation as examples of the materials or furnishings that will be used for the construction of the Italian Pavilion. These should be added to Folder A - administrative documentation.
Italian Trade Agency Los Angeles.
Pt. 0130160/24
Below are the clarifications in response to your questions:
Turnover Requirement: The requirement for 3 years of turnover is mandatory for submitting your offer.
Itemized Quote: The "itemized quote" refers to a detailed breakdown of the individual costs for each item of supply.
Pictures: The "pictures, catalogues, etc." mentioned in the "Technical Description" are required to be included in the bid documentation as examples of the materials or furnishings that will be used for the construction of the Italian Pavilion. These should be added to Folder A - administrative documentation
Vertical Signage: Please note that the reference to backlit vertical signage was a typographical error. The vertical signage is not backlit. For details about the startup modules, please refer to Annex 1 - Technical Description, and for picture references, please consult Annex 3 - Project.
Each individual start-up station should have the following basic furniture (see project):
- 1 panel cm W 150 x H 250 (W 4,92 x 8,20 ft) white color
- 1 rectangular high table, top MDF white color
- 1 low lockable cupboard
- 1 waste basket grey colour
- 1 company logo’s + number position + company name (see draw)
- 2 stools white colour
- 1 electrical socket
- N.2 arm spot light Led for each Start-up
Display Sizes: The "2 display 100x100cm, 2 display 100x50cm, 3 display 50x50cm" refer to display stands for the companies to showcase their products. They are simply display units.
"Tall lockable cabinet" refers to standard tall cabinets that can be locked, intended for use in the storage areas.
Plancia Auto e Bici: The "Plancia Auto" and "Plancia Bici" shown on page 22 refer to some of the products that will be brought by the companies. These markings are placeholders in the project layout to indicate where those items will be positioned. No specific action is required from you regarding these placeholders.
Italian Trade Agency Los Angeles
Pt. 0130809/24
Below are the clarifications in response to the questions:
1. Display/Display Windows: The displays are stands for showcasing the products of the companies that requested them. The display windows serve the same purpose but they are closed showcases with glass.
2. Half-Length Mannequin: Only the upper half of the mannequin is required.
3. Information Desks:
• As indicated in Annex 1, Technical Description we require 3 information desks:
• The 300 cm wide desk is positioned in the central pavilion with four chairs. This desk is backlit.
• One 100 cm wide desk is located in front of storage area A1 in Area 1, and the second desk is beside storage area A in Area 2, each with one chair. These desks are not backlit.
4. Plants: Decorative plants with a height between 130 and 150 cm.
Recourse to the institution of availment (“Avvalimento”) is possible where the economic-financial or technical-organizational requirements are not possessed on their own by the economic operator.
According the Article 104 of the Legislative Decree No. 36/2023 the exclusion of availment guarantee does not imply its inapplicability, as stated by the Procurement Directive No. 2014/24/EU for the equivalent instrument of the contract awarding ("Affidamento").
Therefore, the possibility of applying the availment of guarantee or, more precisely, the availment on the capacities of other entities to acquire certain economic-financial requirements not possessed by the economic operator, is still allowed.
It is noted on this occasion that for newly established companies, the ANAC (National Anti-Corruption Authority) model notice provides the following precisely in relation to the possession of the economic-financial requirements:
“Where turnover information is not available, for companies that have been in business for less than four years, the turnover requirements should be related to the period of activity.”
Italian Trade Agency Los Angeles
Pt. 0131530/24
The panel is white with green and red stripes as per the project specifications. Please refer to Annex 3 - Project, page 13 for the detailed specifications regarding the dimensions of the stripes and the panels.
Italian Trade Agency Los Angeles.